Don’t Shop Adopt!

Good Morning!

I love animals and I even love it more when someone rescues a pet and gives them a forever home!  We did and she is just a fantastic addition to our family! Her name is Cookie and she is a big 94 pound yellow lab! My sister Kathy rescues cats in the New York area.  She has 3 fur babies!  This card is for all of you awesome pet owners!


Design Steps:

  1. Cut an A2 white card base (Bazzil). Cut 3 3/4 x 5 red card stock (Recollections) and glue to the center of the white card base.
  2. Cut a 3 1/2 x 4 3/4 piece of designer card stock (DCWV Citrus) stamp the fish (Pink and Main Fur Friends) on a diagonal with black ink (Memento Black Tuxedo) glue to the red card stock
  3. Cut out the small stitched white rectangle (Die Cut Pink and Main) stamp the sentiment (Pink and Main Fur Friends) and attach to the card as shown
  4. Stamp and color the cat (Pink and Main Fur Friends) with copics: W0, W1, W2, W3, W4 – R27, 59 – Y28 – 100 – RV23 fussy cut and pop dot to the card as shown
  5. Punch out the hearts and pop dot to the card as shown






Thanks for stopping by



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